Sunday, 12 July 2009

Eating macaroni hile I type a blog about a story of

I am running. Have been for awhile now. Don't worry, It's Nothing to worry about. I have everythiung under control. Fucking shut up. Oopsie! Lol im sorry babe letz fuck! Anywah

!soi iam running. From something. You know it, I saw you one day sexing it up[, you ghayd perverse. Well I am running from it. And I don't know where im going. Just keep running. Like or else I will melt away likje water.i wont exist. UGH! Existenme ijs so hard to keep. Why do I try to exist so hard. Aaah. Its like a huge burden,. Hughe effing burden. Life's a tiresome job. But dammn when you do it with energy, it fedels rull good eating sat the kitchen bin in the house and thinking how good today went. Famers I mean. It's a day to day basis liyef. O craZYZYZYZ SURPRIESES. Don't have outside worries, mno one comes. Once I nawhile around thanksgiving it gets hectic. Our family is a big un and we have a loto to take care of fore they get here. But naw, thas biout it for troubles. Easy fuckin lyfe Id sai. Yip. ==============================================================================================================================================================================================t

So I am running. Running from that thing that I hate. It makes me feel not like m. sad. Not realy. I wana throw u. So there's this scary thing that iveonly heard of. People tyell me its so scary that itll make me pee my poant s or evendie.e. fuck I m scared. Im glad ive never seen this ugly gay monster fore. Dyunno if I could live on if I did. So I am running from it. People tell me all sorts of scary adventures with this scary bitch. There are alotta different opionions on it. Some say it gives them he alive eeling, like being born again. Same tell me it's the last thing they would want, after public speking. And yet some like me don't realy think about it till it rears its ugly head at me.SO I keep running. Don't where I'm going. Don't really care. Just wana gerrt away. You know. From it all. Does it Matter whgere we go? Walking in the rain is sort of like that. You can go away. To somewhere Else. No worries. I like to run. It makes my life have purpose. It feels good to know that I have reason to runh. Feels reqally good knowing that I'm following a ture path. SonmethSoemthing that believ in So I am running. From it everything. Really good fro thighs I hear. That's what everyone tells me. Exceruising is good. Right? Anyway I like to run. It clears my head oof evil things that conjurte up in my miund. Ew. I hate those things. Don't like dwellion them. Terrible. I feel right now. Shes too close but shes my mom. Why isd it that I am scared to love my parents, my family, my relatives. Actuall y im beginning to love my relatives. Anyway so I am running. Shit I can see something. Don't wana find out mannn!. So I am running ;. Away from it. ALL. Oh shit there it is again. Fuyck where do I go now????Shit I have nowhere to go. FUCKKKK. Oh no. Fuck theyre everyhwerre wehat do I do. Totlally scared, gota find a way ouyt. Shhitttttttshithsiohtishtihshitshitshitdsh=tshithshit. Ah,. Whew its gone fro now. Wants some cake. Really jhujhngry. Death is fucking scarfy. I am scared feckless of deatrh.i have zero I am running. I love running. SHIT THERE's the cliffffffff





































.I give up.


*Life is so, so good.

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